Environmental Assessments
Environmental Impact Assessments
An Environmental Impact Assessment, or EIA is a report which outlines the likely impact of a proposed development or activity on its surroundings. It generally contains an account of the existing physical and environmental features of a property and an analysis of how the proposed development or activity will impact these features as well as other properties, features, and facilities within the surrounding area. An EIA is a relatively common requirement for many developments and activities, and can serve as a tool for a client to explain in qualitative and quantitative terms what impact their proposal will have on the property and surrounding area.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, or ESA is a report which endeavors to review the condition and history of a property to determine the level of risk of environmental conditions in connection with that property. A Phase I ESA is often conducted early on in the investigation of a property, to determine potential risks involved with purchase or development. A phase I ESA conducted in accordance with applicable industry standards can provide a client a substantial level of immunity from liability for costs and fines associated with environmental cleanup, should problems with the property come to light at a later time. A phase I ESA can also identify potential problems associated with a property early enough within the purchase process to allow the client to disassociate from a particular property before substantial amounts of money have been invested.